Katie |
Rick |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (five years old at the time it was drawn) |
Rick and Jennifer |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (six years old at the time it was drawn) |
Rick and Jennifer |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (sixteen years old at the time it was drawn) |
Rick with a dismembered corpse |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (sixteen years old at the time it was drawn) |
Close-up pencil sketch of Jennifer |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (twenty-one years old at the time it was drawn) |
Full body pencil sketch of Jennifer |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (twenty-one years old at the time it was drawn) |
Masked Jennifer #1 |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (twenty-one years old at the time it was drawn) |
Masked Jennifer #2 |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (twenty-one years old at the time it was drawn) |
Masked Jennifer #3 |
Artwork by my daughter Katie (twenty-one years old at the time it was drawn) |
Leona |
Rick |
Artwork by my oldest daughter Leona (seven years old at the time it was drawn). Guest starring Capcom's Strider Hiryu (artwork by Katie). |
Rusty Shackles! |
rusty1.jpg |
Splatterhouse: Rick vs. boreworms. |
rusty2.jpg |
The full cover artwork of Hardcore Gaming 101 Digest Vol. 3: The Guide to Retro Horror. Featuring Sir Arthur from Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins series, plus Zack and Julie from LucasArts' Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol. |
rusty3.jpg |
A tribute to Splatterhouse (2010) |
rusty4.jpg |
The original sketch art of the tribute to Splatterhouse (2010) |
rusty5.png |
Closeup of the logo used for the tribute to Splatterhouse (2010) |
rusty6.jpg |
Jennifer pinup. Just don't stare too hard, you don't want to piss off the guy behind her. |
PrimeOp |
primeop_rick.jpg |
One awesome b&w picture of Rick. |
primerickcolor.jpg |
Same awesome pic as above, but now in color! |
splatterhousewp-forrob_700p.jpg |
"Thanks Rob!" |
invitation.jpg |
The invitation to my wedding in 2015. |
Nikita Orlov |
Splatterhouse Fanart |
Check out the video that goes with it! |
Adrian Mims |
splatterhouse_am.jpg |
Adrian's awesome idea for a new cover for the original Splatterhouse.
biggie.jpg |
Biggy Man. |
worm.jpg |
A boreworm. |
zombiesummoner.jpg |
Master Dead. |
splatetrzombie.jpg |
A Deadman. |
Sal aka thedarkcloak |
"This artwork is not to be reposted elsewhere without my permission, please do not use this artwork for t-shirts, prints, etc. Any trespassers will be forcefed boreworms with cheerios so that they could become zombie mutant fodder for Rick and his Terror Mask. Thanks!
Splatterhouse and all associated video games, characters, etc. are © Namco" |
Bruno "BL85gamer" |
Custom NES Wanpaku Graffiti label |
A high quality label for Wanpaku Graffiti NES repros. |
Splatterhouse 2010 cookies |
Cookies from Bruno and his wife Eliana. |
Dark V-Alis |
Jennifer and the Mask |
Ever wonder what Jennifer would look like if the Mask
chose her in Splatterhouse instead of Rick? |
Masked Again |
"A sort of threatening/tracking/resting/about-to-pounce pose for her, with a very bent lead pipe just being picked up in her right hand. Again, I'd say the pose is slightly 'feral' (cat-like?), as that's what comes to mind with how I'd picture Jennifer in comparison to Rick (Masked, I mean)...Rick's the indestructible wall o' pain, lumbering (well, not so much in SH3) and/or apparently gorilla-like (according to the EGM article for 'SH4') style. I'd see Jen's 'style' being more lithe, quick slashing/bashing...yet of course still strong as hell (again, 'feral' is the best word that comes to mind)." |
Quite a kick... |
"This one's a bit of an action shot, I'd say. Tried to draw something dynamic, and it's definitely got a bit of perspective to the view. Basically, with my envisioned style for Masked Jen (if she actually in one of the games), she'd be a bit of a 'shredder' with her claws when in close...and quite a 'kicker' when at range (well, take a look at her sprite in game ...I'd say she's got a LOT of range that'd be augmented with El Masko). So, here's a pic of her taking out a tall DeadMan with a rather high rising/hopping kick ...and I mean 'taking the top off' by that (thank Rob for the suggestion). Her rising foot literally snapped the sucker's head off on the way up, sending it spinning with a geyser of gore already bursting from the stump." |
Masked Jennifer Shreds Biggy Man, part 1 |
"Her nails/talons have already sliced through Biggy's left arm and she's in the process of crushing/breaking/shredding through his (its?) left leg. Apparently, Jen's so fast that the chainsaw-arm and its assorted chunks haven't even hit the floor yet." |
Masked Jennifer Shreds Biggy Man, part 2 |
"With a leg off, Biggy goes down. Jennifer immediately gets nasty and grabs the severed, wiggling chainsaw arm from the ground. Standing over the monster, she quickly plunges the still-splurting bladed-limb into Biggy Man's chest for a little visceral spray as she splits his torso. She also slams one foot on his head merely to 'keep him down', but moreso has shoved her bare heel down so hard into his 'bag' that she literally crunches his head." |
"A humorous, kinda Valetine's related Splatterhouse fanart. After Rick rescues Jennifer in SH2, I'd imagine they'd have a romantic 'thank you so much for rescuing me' scene sometime after he destroyed the Death Crystal or killed the Hideous Pantheon (bosses 7 and 8 in the game respectively). Surely Jen would jump into his arms in gratitude, right? Or...might she jump literally on top of Rick, grab him by the collar to lift his head, and scream the above line at him? Hey, it wasn't me that took fifteen continues to get past Stage 7-1..." |
Relaxing Jen |
Jen, looking quite relaxed. She deserves a break, don't
you think? |
V_Jen2.jpg |
First in a series of 3D Jen pics. |
V_FrightJen2.jpg |
3D Jen, startled by something. What startled
her? We're not sure. |
V_CrystalJen.jpg |
AWESOME 3D rendition of Jen encased in crystal, from
Splatterhouse 2. |
VoidJen.jpg |
3D rendition of Jen's first appearance in Splatterhouse 2. |
CouchJen.jpg |
Jennifer, WAKE UP NOW!!! |
Sgraff |
A fantastic sketch of a Deathnoid and a different take on the Terror Mask. |
The first-ever piece of Metamorl fanart, and it's awesome. |
Scientific diagram of a boreworm & larva. |
Portrait of a deadman. |
Master Dead. |
Dr. West. |
Biggy Man. |
Sean Moore |
Biggy Man |
"This is a piece I recently did depicting the monstrous Biggy Man." |
The West Mansion |
Awesome pic of Rick slashing a monster while Biggy Man waits for his turn, and... Mario's in the background? Keep reading. |
Mock EGM cover |
And now you know WHY Mario's in the background. This is the first piece of art we've received commemorating the Wii VC release of Splatterhouse. |
DougSQ |
Splatterhouse/DougSQ |
Awesome pic of the main characters of the series. |
Splatterhouse beginnings. |
chuckporn |
One badass picture of the Mask. |
"Splatterhouse Zero"
A piece of art inspired by the story for the defunct Splatterhouse Project |
The Meat Cleaver
"This is a meat cleaver that I own. It is 36 inches long with a 15 inch
blade, It weighs 10 lbs maybe more. It's called a carcass splitter and it
was made in the late 1800s. It also has the number 13 stamped on the
blade. Original wood. The corpse I bought in '97." |
The Meat Cleaver, comic style
"Just another pic that I tuned into comic art. Kinda." |
"Rick is fresh from the battle." |
Demon Jennifer: WARNING! NSFW!
"Well kinda nude, but only hot if you're a necrophiliac. Some wounds but not all monster-ish." |
corpsemonger |
An original creation |
"It's sort of a pastiche of some of the themes the classic SH monster designs have featured, the weird fetal details of the hanging creatures, the swollen-headed, skeletal, crawling features several of the different monsters had....glossed over with the translucent purple color the giant wall-face boss from SH 2 had." |
A Splatterhouse 1 zombie |
"Here's my dusted-off interpretation of a classic SH zombie, done in pen & ink and colored on Irfanview (hence the weird outline). I fell in love with the twisted ectoplasm purple, so I used it again. Enjoy!" |
Tanner White |
sh.jpg |
A collage of iconic Splatterhouse images. |
3ricks.JPG |
The many faces of Rick. |
bye.jpg |
A farewell to Rob, when he (temporarily) stepped down as webmaster on 4/21/2004. |
farewell2018.png |
A farewell to Rob, when he left West Mansion Facebook on 1/1/2019.  |
Rick_lane.jpg |
Rick with cleaver, in pencil. |
Super_Rick.jpg |
Pencil drawing of Rick |
Chainsaw_Rick.jpg |
Rick with a chainsaw, pencil |
Biggy Man! |
Biggy man, in color... |
Tim Meder
Jr. |
Rick X |
"This picture is a concept I came up with after
seeing the Jason X movie, and I wondered what the Terror Mask
would look like if it were brought back to life by nanotechnology.
Thus we have Rick X." |
dottedrick.jpg |
Well done likeness of Rick. |
mutantrick3.jpg |
HUGE (816 x 1162) drawing of Mutant Rick. |
sh2finalboss.jpg |
HUGE (816 x 1162) drawing of SH2 Final Boss. |
BiggyStrut.jpg |
Biggy Man... what more can be said? |
Ryan Genno |
shimage1.jpg |
Rick, the Mask, and the Ghosts... |
Michael Fowler |
RICK_01.jpg |
An especially buff Rick, in pencil... |
Gorgoroso |
choppas.gif |
Biggy Man... in pencil |
Rick vs Chainsaw Hands |
A pencil sketch of Rick battling Biggy Man... |
choppassmall.gif |
smaller, colored version of above pic.. |
Trever Durhammer |
Rick Taylor |
A pencil sketch of Rick.  |
Ballard |
BW_Rick.jpg |
Honestly, just what the hell is this? |
RickwithBrokenMask.jpg |
Rick with a broken mask on a fire background. |
Rick_With_Mask.jpg |
Head shot of Rick wearing the Mask |
Christmas_Pic.jpg |
A Very Splatterhouse Christmas |
Eric Wisner |
Splatt3.jpg |
The Mask on a red background |
Digital painting of West Mansion |
WM_mist.jpg |
Similar to above, with added spooky mist effect |
Tyler Shimp |
tyler1.png |
Classic Taylor Family REDUX |
tyler2.png |
Splatterhouse 30th Anniversary |
tyler3.png |
The Taylors Band Together |
tyler4.png |
Fightin' Games with the Taylors |
tyler5.png |
Jen and David Selfie |
tyler6.png |
The Evil One |
John Mitchell |
1657778698902blob.png |
"Here's a picture I drew of Rick Taylor inspired by SiIvaGunner King For Another Day Tournament." |
Carrion Reek |
Rick |
Pencil sketch of Rick. |
Z0MBIE1313 |
Rick w/ Monster |
Rick takes a cue from Ashley J. Williams. |
KaseyKreeper |
Rick Versus Jason 1 |
Rick and Jason (from Friday the 13th) face-to-face. |
Rick Versus Jason 2 |
The fight begins... |
Splatterhouse 2 Stage 2 Boss |
A sketch (on blue) of the Stage 2 boss from Splatterhouse
2... |
TG-16 Rick |
TG-16 Rick with Golden Cleaver |
Splatterhouse 2 Rick |
Rick with Splatterhouse 2 mask |
Screaming Mimi |
Color sketch of screaming mimi |
Boreworm |
"Hi-ho! Kermit thee Boreworm here!" |
Borghi |
Rick |
Pencil sketch of Rick w/ Biggy Man and other creatures
in background... |
Eduardo Nakamura |
Three Ricks |
Sketch of Rick from Splatterhouse, Wanpaku Graffiti, and Mutated Rick from Part 3... |
Rick. Jennifer. The Mask. |
Kat |
Rick by Kat |
Ink sketch of Rick... |
Seeyou Auntie |
Pencil and Ink sketch of Rick... |
Biggy Man |
Pencil and Ink sketch of Biggy Man... |
David Le Vack |
slash.jpg |
Sketch of Rick... |
Oliver Lee
Arce |
SH01.jpg |
sketch of Rick vs. Biggy Man |
SH02.jpg |
The Three Faces of Rick |
SH03.jpg |
Biggy Man and two versions of Rick |
Strange Demon |
rickvsstage2.jpg |
Rick battling the Splatterhouse 2 Stage 2 boss.
Le-chan |
splatter.jpg |
It's a picture from SH3 of Rick holding Jen and reaching
out to touch her face after level 1 (permitted you don't make it quite
in time to completely save her). |
Jake Bell |
rick1evilmask.jpg |
Awesome portrait of Rick... |
Rafael Ocasio |
rafbiggy.gif |
More Biggy Man... |
Rogers |
Shouse_monster_fanart.jpg |
Rick... RICK!!! What happened?! |
David_mask.jpg |
Color sketch of David wearing the mask. |
Necromancer.jpg |
Ink sketch of the Necromancer |
Welcome to the murder shed. |
cock rot! |
Montage of Splatterhouse Images... |
Guo Liang |
mega-rick2.jpg |
An EXCELLENT color drawing of Mega Rick from SH3 |
lg-bagman.jpg |
"I dub it Bagman, reimagined. Backstory is a simple one, an executed chainsaw criminal. (based on the idea that brown outfits were Hong Kong's prisoner's dress code, hence the number, and the bag on his head and noose)" |
Sol |
rick_msk.jpg |
Mutated Rick... |
Jay |
"What I had in mind when I made this sketch
was, if Namco made a fighting game with some of their characters from
their arcade games and fighting games, and put them all together in
one big 3D fighter, this is what I imagine he'd look like. I aimed
for a dark look with this pic, and added an upside down cross to his
mask to show that its definitely an evil mask, yet Rick's using it
to save Jennifer yet again." |
Jurado |
Rick, circa Splatterhouse 3 |
Poindexter |
CSZombie1.jpg |
Cool B&W pic of everyone's favorite monster |
Schreck |
"The Mask" or "You
Need Me, Rick" |
A cool drawing of the Mask. |
Mansfield |
paperrick.jpg |
Rick made out of paper |
violentrick.jpg |
Rick... Violent Rick |
biggyandrick.jpg |
Rick and... taa daa! Biggy Man! |
sh1endbosspaper.jpg |
The last boss of Splatterhouse 1 in paper |
Kat! |
Rick_Taylor.jpg |
B&W pic of Rick |
Color pic of Rick |
Rick holding a bloody baseball bat |
Gav |
Awesome pic of Rick about to chuck the cinderblock at
some of his more memorable opponents |
Manu Vimahi |
Rick in a very pissed off moment. |
Dead_or_Alive.JPG |
What the hell IS that thing?! |
Fatality.JPG |
Rick takes a cue from Mortal Kombat |
Wolver-Rick.JPG |
Rick using Wolverine's claws. |
evildead2099 |
MS Paint Rick |
MS Paint version of Rick |
Rose |
Pencil sketch of Rick vs Screaming Mimi... |
Judgment" |
"Dr. Mueller's assistant, Jack, purges another
one of the Evil One's minions from this world." |
"Jack disposing the captured specimens after
the good doctors demise. A more serious attempt at rendering Jack
this time. " |
Demon Jennifer
The Demon Jennifer, 'nuff said. |
Evil Sleep and the Nightmares
Rick vs. Evil Sleep. |
Alan Danczyk |
SH2-Rick destroys Dr. Mueller. |
SH2-Rick Vs Head Snake. |
SH2-Rick Vs Black Crystal |
Splatterhouse-04.jpg |
SH-Rick confronts fake Jennifer |
Splatterhouse-05.jpg |
SH2-Rick defeats Bugbrain (1st form) |
Splatterhouse-06.jpg |
SH2-Dr. Mueller taunts Rick. |
Splatterhouse-07.jpg |
SH3-Ending |
SH-Mirror Rick, 2nd time. |
SH3-Rick Vs little Boreworm. |
SH2-Dr. Mueller's first taunt. |
SH-Rick fighting fake Jennifer. |
SH3-MegaRick. |
SH-Light Chapel. |
SH-Rick Vs Biggy Man. |
SH3- Rick Vs Evil One. |
SH3-Rick Vs 3rd boss. (2nd form.) |
Splatterhouse-17.jpg |
SH3-Rick Taylor. |
Splatterhouse-18.jpg |
SH2-Intro. |
SH2-Ending. |
SH2-Poster. |
Splatterhouse-21.jpg |
SH-Prelude. |
Splatterhouse-22.jpg |
SH4?-Profiles. |
Splatterhouse-23.jpg |
SH4?-David finds The Mask. |
Splatterhouse-24.jpg |
SH4?-Ending. [Note: Top is Jen and
Rick, bottom is David and Liz (his girlfriend.)] |
SH4?-Poster. |
SH4?-David going nuts. |
SH4?- Hey Skully! |
SH4?-David sneaking out. |
back_2.png |
"I threw together two backgrounds from some
snapshots I took. one is of the three Rick's relaxing by the beach
and the other is the whole good vs. evil battle type thing." |
bad_vs_good.png |
Leon Stiglich |
RICK1.png |
"Rick just after 'splatting' a monster." |
Jonathan Hitchcock |
Splatterhouse Bosses |
"This drawing I did has all the bosses from the game, and a character I
made(center)." |
Rick |
"I decided to send you another piece. This time it only has rick, the terror mask, the evil one, and jennifer." |
Rick |
"Can you beleive they're making a new Splatterhouse? It just came out of nowhere! To celebrate I drew this picture of Rick in my own style." |
Lee Tatlock |
Rick |
Rick |
SD Rick |
SD Rick |
Diego Berlanga |
Splatterhouse 4 concept design |
"This is a sample of a design for Splatterhouse 4 Fan Art... (Check out the new mask, hehe...)." |
Chris |
Pic #1 |
Custom Splatterhouse hat |
Pic #2 |
Another view |
Pic #2 |
One more view |
Axemunger |
Rick vs. Biggy |
"Here is a pic of my favourite Splatterhouse boss attacking Rick." |
Vlygar |
Splatterhouse logo revamp #1 |
The fleshy logo |
Splatterhouse logo revamp #2 |
The color burn logo |
Kate Glasheen |
Rick |
An original piece with an interesting background image. |
Rick 20th |
An original piece celebrating the twentieth anniversary. |
Rick with a scythe |
Rick wielding a scythe. That'd be a nice addition to the arsenal. |
F.I.A |
A picture with a story to it |
Once, there was a story teller who came to a town. No children in the town ever had such entertainment so they are overjoyed. Enjoying the warm attention, the storyteller sat by the fountain, and ready to tell his tale to those children. "Far away from this place, there lived a girl. In a town named Nezined. Little was she, she was a cheerful one with blonde hair. Everyone lived there liked her. In a trip to the woods together with her family, she suddenly found herself lost. No one to hear her voices, she wandered about, till she came to a sheep. Small was it, the girl soon found out that it had a crippled hind leg. In a bush nearby, a wolf suddenly jumped out, hunger in its eyes. Death overruled her reasoning, that she ran by herself, leaving the crippled sheep behind. Enduring pain, the sheep tried to escape, but soon the wolf pounced, and ate it. |
Behind the scenes of "the photo shoot" |
Weeping voices soon heard among the children. Irritated parents started to yell at the storyteller for such cruel story. Not knowing what to do, the storyteller decided to expand the story. "Rushing towards the woods, the girl fell to a pit, inside there monsters beyond imagination. Apparently the crippled sheep was actually a demon in disguise. Realizing that the girl has nothing but selfishness, he commanded the demons to devour her." Of course, this angered the townsfolk more. Punishment was sure to be swift, but what happened next startled them. Every children soon applauded for the death of the girl. No one ever knew where the storyteller went, as he vanished all of the sudden... |
Cartoongore |
Biggy Man |
"I the artist Cartoongore would like to submit this simple but fun splatterhouse fanart of biggyman/chainsaw zombie i have no idea what is the official name i made it with 100% done with MSPAINT" |
Sr. Lan Belmont |
Fate. |
Kirk |
Rick. |
Carlos Messuti |
A collage. |
Biggy Man. |
Splatterhouse 3 1st boss. |
Splatterhouse 3 creature. |
A zombie. |
gaetano125 |
Rick and Jennifer. |
phycosmiley |
Profile of Rick. |
larryhazard |
Rick. |
Taiya001 |
Rick. |
Jennifer. |
Brent Cochran |
"Jennifer desperately carving out her own escape route" |
Simone Pirina |
Portrait of a Hell Guardian before losing its head. |
...and there goes the head. |
The Evil One. |
The Evil One, final version. |
Sommo Ansem |
Rick, looking skater punk-esque. |
Pavlov Yuri |
Rick, as seen in Splatterhouse '10. |
Katie Lynn Bulmer |
A cute picture of Rick and Jennifer. |
Michael Cumba  |
Rick, holding Jennifer's body. |
artist unknown |
"LET'S GET BIZZAY!" - President Dwight Eisenhower (NSFW) |