Publisher: Ving Co., Ltd.
Developer: Namco
Year: 1992
Platform: FM Towns
Game Info | Screenshots | Additional Info
A port of the original Splatterhouse
was released for the FM Towns PC in Japan by Ving in 1992. Ving is (or was) a Japanese company that seemed to specialize in licensing arcade titles, then porting them to different systems (the only other Ving game I've personally seen was a Japanese PlayStation port of Taito's classic Night Striker). Not much else is known about them, unfortunately... but if you have any info on Ving, send it here, because frankly, I'd like to know more about them.
From Gruesome Rick:
The Splatterhouse FM TOWNS game is a CD game made for
the FM TOWNS Japanese Computer. Ordinarily, you would
have to install the Splatterhouse game to a FM TOWNS
Computer to play the game. However, a system in Japan
called the FM TOWNS MARTY allows FM TOWNS PC games to be
played as game discs like any popular game system like a
Sega Saturn or Playstation.
So you have a choice of either buying a Japanese
Computer or a Japanese System to play the Splatterhouse
FM TOWNS (or any other FM TOWNS game) which are very hard
to find and expensive. But it is really worth it.
Unbelievably, the Splatterhouse FM TOWNS game is an
Arcade Port of the first Splatterhouse and it is Arcade
Perfect right down to the graphics and sound. It is just
like the Arcade.
It's an excellent alternative to owning the actual
Arcade Game Cabinet which I've heard runs about $6000
dollars since it's a very collectible vintage arcade game.
But the Splatterhouse FM TOWNS game is not easy to
find whatsoever, I got lucky with mine - I hardly spent
any money at all for it. But most of the time the
Splatterhouse FM TOWNS game soars to prices above a 100
dollars. I have seen it appear on eBay once and it was
quite competitive, it appears sometimes on Japanese sites
but now I don't even see it come up at all just like the
Splatterhouse Handheld. Whatever you have to go through
to get the game it is worth it. This is the best home
version of the Arcade Splatterhouse ever.
From Daemon:
There are minimal differences, but they're "extras".
They are:
- Multiple screen modes (Hi-Res, Lo-Res, Wide, etc)
- A few extra sound effects
From Sergio Ferrari:
...you can see that Splatterhouse is the "Vol. 13" of the Towns
games, just like the movie Friday the 13th and Rick Taylor
wear a mask like Jason Voorhees... It is just a coincidence? I don't think
so. :)
I finally found a difference between the Arcade version and the Towns
version: The arcade version have much color depth, but its very difficult
to see. Looking at the green bar up and down on the screen (when are displayed
the score, the remaining life, the
item carried and the energy) you will see a little difference in color
shading, also in the water section on level 2 the shading of the water
in arcade version, is better than the Towns version but it's a little
thing. :)
I hope that my information are useful for you and all the Splatterhouse