The Graveyard
Here lie all of the fan-made Splatterhouse games that have fallen into oblivion. Gaze upon them and see what might have been...
Splatterhouse: The Mask Covenant by Xeif (PC)
This particular game was a hot topic over on the forum for quite some time, and it will hopefully see the light of day eventually. It was made using the Beats of Rage program, and was pretty far along... unfortunately, there's been no new info on it since December 17, 2005. But take a look at some of the screenshots that did surface (all taken from various stages in the game's development, as you'll be able to tell by the varying differences in the life bars and such)... it was even going to have a two player mode! We can only hope Xeif resurfaces at some point with a 100% complete game.
Video of The Mask Covenant in action!

cutscene #1 | cutscene #2 | Box cover
Xeif was also working on the following four Splatterhouse games for mobile phones: "Symbian S60 like N-Gage, 7650, 3650, 6600 etc...", but it looks like they've met the same fate as The Mask Covenant.
9/17/07 - from Mike Freligh:
"I found an emulator type program to play the splatterhouse games.
Midp2Exe.exe converts the jar files to a playable exe.
MidpRuntimeDLL.dll required runtime dll.
Horror Sports does not seem to load at all and Splatter Bubble 2 only goes through the title screen before it crashes. Splatter Bubble seems to work but I didn't have a chance to figure out how to play it. Included is the program and the converted jar files (Done.rar)."
Splatterhouse Bubble 2
Horror Sports (unarchived)
Done.rar (unarchived)
Splatterhouse Bubble

Splatterhouse Bubble 2


Horror Sports
