- Rick... super deformed! - Jennifer's been
captured by the Pumpkin King! Rick has to save
- The Mask. It's the cause of all of
this supernatural craziness.
- The most common enemies in the
game, first appearing on Stage 1... and both
colored zombies can be dispatched with a single
- These crosses fly off of their
graves in Stage 1 and try to impale Rick. One hit
and they're gone.
- These undead hounds
attack Rick in Stage 1. Hit them once to destroy
the body, then destroy the head when it comes
after Rick.
- The miniboss of Stage 1.
He dances around on his custom disco dance floor
(in the middle of a graveyard, no less) with four
zombies. Then he throws things at Rick as the
zombies attack him. He can't be killed.
- These will o' the whisps first
appear outside the house in Stage 1, and later
again in Stage 6. One hit vaporizes them.
- These disembodied hands first
appear in Stage 1, and have a tendency to throw
plates at Rick. Kill them or avoid them.
- These books fly out of their
bookshelf two at at a time in Stage 1. One hit
will kill them.
- The boss of Stage 1, and obviously
an parody of the film The Exorcist.
Several hits to the head (which will come off of
the body and attack) will destroy her.
- The Stage 1 boss attacks you with
these... they can be temporarily stopped, but not
- These spiders first appear on Stage
2, and then throughout the game after that. One
hit kills them.
- These headless chickens
pop out of an oven in Stage 2 and attack Rick.
Two or three hits kill them.
- These butcher knifes attack you in
Stage 2, along with the headless chickens. Defeat
them, and you will move on.
- These infest the sewers of Stage 2.
One hit kills them.
- First appearing in the sewer of
Stage 2, these spiked things must be avoided, as
they can't be killed. In later stages, they
migrate to land.
- These mice infest the sewers of
Stage 2. They look almost too cute to kill, but
don't let their innocent looks fool you. One hit
splats 'em into the wall.
- The boss of Stage 2. He attacks
using little rats and strong wind that pushes
Rick to the far end of the screen. One hit kills
it, but watch out for the little guy he
transforms into.
- These followers of the Pumpkin
King first appear on Stage 3, and appear
frequently throughout the rest of the game. One
hit will decapitate them.
- These red roaches appear in Stage
3. One hit will kill them.
- There are two chainsaw rooms in
the game - one in Stage 3 and one in Stage 7.
They take one hit to destroy, but there's a lot
of them.
- One of the minibosses of Stage 3,
this woman lies there helplessly as her chest
bursts open and dozens of spiders swarm out to
attack Rick (in an obvious parody of the film Alien).
When the spiders are gone, her chest heals up,
then she gets up, yawns, and walks away.
- Another miniboss of
Stage 3. He cannot be killed... and do NOT attack
him or even go near him when you encounter him in
Stage 7, whatever you do.
- The Wizard in Stage 3 attacks you
with these. One hit destroys them, but they're
very fast and not easy to hit.
- The form that the Wizard assumes.
Several hits will kill him.
- Another film parody, this time of The
Fly. When you encounter him at the end of
Stage 3, he's sitting inside a matter transporter.
Then a fly flies in with him the door closes, and...
you know what happens next.
- The large fly is what
the man and fly that are the boss of Stage 3
combine into. It attacks Rick with the smaller
flies. Six or seven hits will destroy it.
- These Japanese demons swarm around
the pagoda in Japan, and will climb the pagoda
after Rick. One hit destroys them.
- These characters attack Rick in
Japan by throwing teacups at him. One hit usually
knocks them out.
- This woman gives you one of the
two crystal balls you need to get the best ending.
I pity her for what she has to go through before
she gives it to Rick, though...
- The ghost only appears in Stage 4.
Blast him with the shotgun to move on.
- These skeletons inhabit
Stage 4's Diamond Lake. One blast from the
shotgun or hit from the axe will kill them.
- A parody of the shark from the
film Jaws, these guys will charge through
Stage 4's Diamond Lake in an attempt to hurt Rick.
Avoid them by jumping over them - they can't be
- The boss of Stage 4.
Often referred to as "the knife and fork
demon". The first form fires at Rick, while
the second form tries to stab him with his fork.
Avoid the first form's fire, and concentrate on
killing the second form.
- These bats fly around in varying
patterns starting in Stage 5. In Stage 7, they
pick Rick up and carry him around, then try to
drop him in any pits that might be there. One hit
will kill them.
- When Rick first encounters these
guys, they're hanging from nooses in the forest
of Stage 5. When Rick gets close to them, their
bodies break off and run after him, while the
heads start firing at him. One hit kills the
body, but avoid the head, as it can't be killed.
- These paintings come to
life in both Stage 5 and 7. Avoid them if you can
- if you kill them, spirits will fly out and
chase you, and it can't be killed.
- These buckets will fly off of
their shelves and try to hit Rick on the head as
they run by. Avoid them.

- The boss of Stage 5. The kid turns into the
werewolf, then the werewolf attacks Rick with an
attack he ripped off from the Masked Ninja, the
last boss of Sega's Shinobi. Hit him when
his shield is down.
- This is the thing that the Wizard
will push Rick into in Stage 7 if you try to
attack him. Once the Wizard pushes Rick in,
there's no getting out... until Rick wakes up in
a coffin several seconds later.
- These Egyptian heads
inhabit the hidden pyramid in Stage 7. Avoid them.
- The Priestess is at the end of
Stage 7's hidden pyramid. She gives you the other
crystal ball needed to get the best ending...
after practically giving Rick a lap dance.
- This possessed clock is found on
Stage 7, and shoots its hands at Rick. It can't
be destroyed.
- These skulls fly around in the
"fire room" of Stage 7. One hit will
shatter them.
- This trophy thinks it's hilarious
when Rick is hurt in Stage 7's "fire room".
To shut it up, hit it once.
- This possessed plunger
is found in the restroom of Stage 7, and unclogs
the toilet so that little turds with big eyes can
attack you. One hit will kill it.
- The aforementioned turds that
swarm out of the toilet after Rick. One hit will
flush them.
- The Pumpkin King is the
final boss of the game. Destroy him, and Jennifer
is free!
- The director congratulates Rick at
the end of the game, proclaiming "That was
some damn fine acting! This'll be a great movie!
Nice job!"